viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Adding to the resources for El Internado...

Note: These resources fall under Fair Use for Educational Purposes. Click here to learn more.

Many teachers are using El Internado in class, so I finally jumped on the bandwagon and have started showing it in my Cultura y Civilización class. It is something we do on Fridays as a reward for speaking a lot of Spanish during the week. It has been going really well. Students are engaged and they are hearing and reading (subtitles) real Spanish... and they are also having fun! (**Warning** Some scenes might need to be skipped and there are some "romantic situations" and profanity. I recommend a permission slip and probably only for older students.)

As we watch, I pause a lot for explanations and questions. I have created a three post-watching activities (so far). The episodes are long, so we watch 15-20 minutes and then read/answer aloud as a class. The readings are very simple and easy for the students, but all students get something out of it (differentiation!). Watching El Internado is an "easy day" for students, but there is a ton of learning and input happening!

There are lots of resources that other teachers have created (see below for links), but this format of watching a bit and then doing the reading activities aloud together as a class after is working very well for me and my students. Here are the post-watching readings that I have used so far. I created three of them (episodes 2-4 and I am going to start 5 and 6). Thanks to Bethanie Drew for the proofreading and enhancements to these!
Mike PetoDustin WilliamsonKaren Goering, Lindsey Camachothe Reading (MA) Spanish 
department (formerly including Meaghan McSherry), and Allison Wienhold (and others) have created some fantastic resources to use with El Internado. You could keep clicking and go into a maze of El Internado resources! So many creative ideas!

There are also some Kahoots already created. Just search for El Internado, mikepeto, placido or srakjacobs. Students LOVE that game and it is a great way to review.

*Update* 1/3/17 - If you are looking for something similar for Episodio 02X01, here is a link to one that Lisa South made

25 comentarios:

  1. These are great resources! Do you have a .doc version of the Episodio 01X04 Bethanie's enhanced version? The formatting it a little messed up on the pdf. Thanks and see you at FLAME!

  2. I was going to say the same thing about the PDF. Is it possible to fix the formatting? Thanks so much for these amazing resources!

    1. Just corrected the link. Try it now :)

    2. I found this when searching for the same question, but I can't find the original link to it. Would you mind sending me the link? I would be very grateful.

  3. Hola Kara,
    I've been using your amazing resources for Internado this year with much much success in my classes. I appreciate all that you share. I'm am beginning temporada 2 this week and I'm wondering if you have any avbl for the next season?? I see you have an unfinished copy in the google drive- so I'm guessing you haven't gotten that far? Thanks in advance.

  4. Do you recommend anything for a 9 th grade level Spanish 2?

    1. You could use El Internado. Check out Mike Peto's post here

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Thank you so much for these absolutely fantastic resources! I purchased the season 1 episode 1 post viewing guide from Mike Peto and it is wonderful. I was also wondering if you all created one that you would be willing to share? I am particularly interested in seeing which vocabulary you identified as being essential.


    1. Hi Josh,

      I did not create a viewing guide for episode 1 because I use Mike Peto's guide. Bethanie Drew and I based our guides off of his episode 1 guide :)

      Hope all is well!

    2. Hi Josh,

      I did not create a viewing guide for episode 1 because I use Mike Peto's guide. Bethanie Drew and I based our guides off of his episode 1 guide :)

      Hope all is well!

  7. Hello! LOVE all the resources and the blog - how do you go through the viewing guide? Do you have the students fill in as you pause and ask questions? Or do you do some sort of "pre-reading" first, so they have a chance to look up words they do not know and ask questions? Thanks in advance :)

    1. Hello! Usually, I explain, very basically, what is going to happen for 5-15 minute segments (depending on level of students). Then we watch. Then we do the viewing guide together. One student reads aloud and the others say the answers. I haven't tried this yet, but Mike Peto has the students read chorally, that way everyone is talking.

      I highly recommend checking out Mike Peto's blog for a very thorough explanation of how he uses and teaches with El Internado and/or Gran Hotel.


  8. I cannot find this series anywhere. Did you all buy it?

  9. Thank you so much for these resources, they are fantastic! I've been making powerpoints where I break up the text of these guides onto slides with screenshots from the show to help review what we have seen. I wanted to get your permission first before I drop them into the Google Drive folder that teachers have been collaborating in for El Internado. I couldn't figure out how to privately message you about it on here though.

    1. Hello Catherine! I would love to see those! Could you share them with me.

      Before you share them in a folder, let me check with Bethanie Drew. Since we don't sell them, I don't think she will mind. But please give us credit for our work. (We recently had an incident in which someone was selling and marketing a product that was HALF our work... with no credit or permission).

      Also, thanks so much for your PayPal transaction :)

    2. Hello again Catherine. I checked with Bethanie and she says okay to share :)

    3. Wonderful! How would you like me to share them with you first? Is your email listed somewhere on this blog?

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. Hi Kara, I have been using your documents as a starting point and LOVE them! Because I know the work that went into them I wanted to let you know that for 1X05 at 41:30 you have down that Carolina found a new way to enter into the tunnels but it was Victoria. You also have Carolina as the person that gets trapped in the bathroom but it was Victoria. I looked through some of the other posts and did not see that someone had told you this already. : )

  12. Hello! Thanks so much for providing such a wealth of resources for this program. I have heard about it before, and I was preparing to use it with my class this year. Netflix took this series (all 7 seasons) down August 1. Do you have any recommendations as to where the video content might be available elsewhere? I looked on Amazon, and a DVD set is quite expensive.

    1. Hello:
      I ended up buying the DVD's this week. Yes. Expensive but worth the money. Maybe your school can help you pay for them. I used this series last year and my 5th year students loved the program.
      They are on ebay as well but I don't trust what comes out of ebay sometimes. They could be pirated copies for all I know.
      I already ordered them. Buena suerte!

  13. Hola!
    Tengo una pregunta... yo tenía un Google folder con acceso a algunas páginas de actividades y presentaciones de Goering Camacho, esta semana el folder desaparació. De casualidad no sabe usted si se puede obtener de otra manera. (I think the original owner of the folder unshared it). Yo estaría dispuesta a pagar por el acceso a esos materiales, dependo muchísimos de ellos para mi clase de español 3.
