sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2019

La Lotería de Navidad... versión 2019

Oh how I love teaching with stories! And I particularly love the seven stories that I can now choose from for my La Lotería de Navidad unit!

Last year, I used four stories, but this year I am adding three more. Wait... can I do that? Will I have time? I think I will! I have decided that I am going to spend the three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break to do the unit.

To start and introduce the la Lotería de España, I am going to use this Edpuzzle (or here is Novice version). Then, we will do a running dictation to review the information (in TPT product). I might have them look at two infografías and do these (free) activities. Then, we will do this BVP style Task. That "Task" is designed to give students input, so they can output and we can discuss the preferences of the class.

Then, we will get into our stories! I will probably start with Justino (thank you Martina Bex!), then 250th aniversario, then 22 otra vez, and then Carmina. And, then we will do the three stories from this year's ad campaign. Finally, (time permitting) we will do Danielle. This TPT product has resources for the 250th aniversario, or Carmina, Danielle, 22 otra vez and this year's 3 stories: Pilar y FélixEmilio y Gloria, and Ramón y José.

So, this year's stories are unique from all the other stories, in that no one wins. In all the other stories, there is a winner (well at least Carmina thinks she is a winner). The lema for this year is "El sorteo que nos une" and the hashtag is #UnidosPorUnDécimo... so the message is not really focused on winning lots of money, but rather on sharing.

There are actually four stories in this ad campaign, but I am only using three, because the fourth one, Carmen y Víctor, is a bit too sad for me to use.

This slideshow has a preview of what I am planning on doing with the three stories. If you would like to use the entire unit, you can purchase it here on TPT. Or buy resources, activities, and readings for a whole bunch of Lotería de Navidad stories here on TPT.

I set the slideshow up with Peardeck slides, but you don't have to use them. But for those of you who do use Peardeck, how convenient!

Pilar y Félix

Emilio y Gloria

Ramón y José

7 comentarios:

  1. Gracias! Como siempre me encanta todas las actividades.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9D-uvKih_k

    Has visto esta? Aunque no esta en espanol..aun se puede hacer bonita actividad

  3. Me encanta el cuento de Carmen y Víctor. Es triste pero precioso. No comprendo la última cosa que dice Carmen, "me voy a poner fina de makis."

    1. Lo busqúe en Google y creo que tiene algo que ver con sushi.

  4. Honestly, you give so many incredible resources away for free that I feel so good purchasing this from you. You are amazing. Thank you for these incredible resources. This will be my first year teaching about la loteria.

    Looking forward to (hopefully) meeting you at ACTFL2019 this year

    1. Gracias! Hope to see you at ACTFL. Lmk if we meet "unknown". :)
