martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Unidad Didáctica: Desafíos Medioambientales

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**UPDATE 2/1/15** I have added the TPRS book Noche de Oro to this unit. I highly recommend it and the Teacher's Guide.

In my Cultura y Civilización class, we just finished a unit called Desafíos Medoambientales. I was very pleased with this new unit and with how well my students did with all of the authentic resources. They have come a long way since the beginning of this course and I am very proud of them! They delved in to some real life issues, thought about opposing forces, and possible solutions to some of environmental problems... in Spanish!

These were the essential questions for the unit:

  1. ¿Quiénes son algunos cantantes que cantan del medio ambiente? ¿De qué se tratan sus canciones? ¿Cómo son diferentes y/o simliares? ¿Cómo reflejan la realidad? ¿Por qué son importantes estas canciones?
  2. ¿Cuáles son algunos problemas del medio ambiente que existen en Latnoamérica? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de estos problemas? ¿Por qué existen estos problemas? ¿Cuáles son algunas soluciones para los problemas?
As with all the units in this course, music and music videos were a focus of the "puntos de partida" from which we explore a theme. Before delving in to the songs, students did the following:
After doing those activities and discussing what students read, heard and saw, we delved in to the song Río by Aterciopelados (wksht here). Students learned about Aterciopelados and the Río Bogotá. The video for Río is a little strange, but very engaging. The lyrics of the song are also pretty comprehensible for these students. The song emphasizes the importance of water in general with a specific call to save the Río Bogotá. 
Río by Aterciopelados

Next, we viewed this PSA about megaminería in Argentina:

Students did this worksheet to go along with that PSA. They learned a lot from this PSA and were able to interpret it fairly well. The images and the activities they did before helped them to understand better.

After having a bit of knowledge about megaminería in Argentina, students were able to understand this song:

!Basta Ya! by a collective of artists and produced by Conciencia Solidaria

Although a bit cursi (and with some interesting singing voices), the song is informative, catchy and engaging. Students may not have liked the song, but they learned from it! (wksht here).

We also did some of the activities on this wksht (from Zambombazo). related to the song Agua by Vuelo Adentro. This song is good because it has a good message of hope and change. I particularly like this line, "Veo una luz que se enciende en los niños de hoy" 

I would have liked to have spent some more time on this song and some of the others on the class website, but we only had so much time and I did not want to rush through the unit. 

At the end of the unit, students (individually or with a partner) explored an environmental program and created a presentation to share with the class (see below for detailed description). The projects were good and most were presented to the entire class. The interpersonal assessment had to be about one of the environmental problems that they learned about from someone else's presentation.

These are the assessments for the unit:
 EXAMEN - (INTERPRETIVE) (click here for more details) (writing) OR  Make a video for ¿Qué beberé? or Agua.
PROYECTO - (PRESENTATIONAL) (Click here for details) (speaking) - Make a presentation describing an environmental problem in Latin America. Describe the opposing forces in relation to the problem. Describe the benefits and consequences of the situation. Describe some (2-3) possible solutions and choose one that seems fair and reasonable.

INTERPERSONAL Writing (click here for details)(writing) - Write a short letter (8-10 sentences) to one of parties involved in the environmental problem, and do one of the following: express sympathy, offer a solution, express opinion, ask questions, offer help. 

6 comentarios:

  1. ¡Como siempre me impresionas!

    Connie Evans

  2. Kara. Eres una inspriación. Si estás de acuerdo, me gustaría usar tu trabajo en mi clase. También compartiré mi trabajo contigo. Necesito crear dos unidadades didacticas. Una para español uno y otra para español dos. Esto con el proposito de convencer mi departamento que no nececitamos adoptar nuevos libros y que es mejor crear nuestro propio curriculo. Pero inmediatamente quiero usar tu trabajo para español 4. Déjame saber. Entiendo que tienes todo público, y he bajado algunas cosas ya, pero quiero tu permiso personal para seguir bajando tus documentos. Gracias. Eres tan ingeniosa. He usado Zambombazo pero no con tanta frecuencia. Pero créeme que me has inspirado. Bueno, hasta pronto.

    1. Sí, claro, puedes usar y bajar lo que quieras... por eso comparto todo - para que otros puedan utilizarlo y mejorarlo también :)

      Gracias por las palabras tan amables sobre mi trabajo. Me encanta enseñar la clase y a los estudiantes les gusta también. Y aprenden mucho.... especialmente por la música!

  3. Me encanta tu trabajo, es importante crear conciencia en los estudiantes sobre el medio ambiente. Gracias por compartir.

  4. Gracias por compartir!
