I have made some changes to the original assignment because this ended up being a tremendous amount of work for the students and correcting for me! Next time, I will have students do every other chapter, instead of every chapter.
Again, if you want to teach about Cuba in level 3+, I highly recommend Chris Mercer's book Casa Dividida from TPRS!
I am going to link some more examples, but here are some sample pages from on student's álbum de recortes:
Capítulo 7: El Che vino a cenar
- Describe este capítulo con una oración.
- Escribe tres oraciones claves de este capítulo.
- Imagina que tú podrías tener un héroe nacional en tu casa para cenar. ¿Quién sería? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo sería similar y/o diferente de la cena que la familia de José tuvo con Che Guevara?
- En tu opinión, ¿es justo que el gobierno de Cuba nacionalice todas las compañías del país? ¿Por qué sí o no?
- Describe este capítulo con una oración.
- Escribe dos citas de Che Guevara y escribe tu opinión sobre cada una.
- Haz una lista de las cosas importantes en la vida de Luisa.
- El Ministerio de Cultura censuró la música de Rolando, ¿por qué? En tu opinión, ¿hay situaciones en que la música debe ser censurada? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Por qué?
Capítulo 11: Las dos muertes de Antony Santos
- Describe este capítulo con una oración.
- ¿Qué le pasó a Antony? ¿Cuál de las versiones piensas que sea real? ¿Por qué?
- Explica el significado de la cita "Patria o muerte." ¿Suena familiar (New Hampshire)?
Capítulo 12: Grandes noticias
- Describe este capítulo con una oración.
- Haz lo que quieras para explicar, resumir, reflejar, opinar, personalizar, hacer conexiones con la historia de nuestro país, y/o analizar este capítulo.
I highly recommend this book if you want to teach a unit about Cuba!
I'm in the middle of reading this book, and I'm anticipating seeing how the author is going to deal with the very complex issues of Cuba. My mother was born and raised there, and I was able to go there with her this past November. Thank you for posting about this book!
ResponderEliminar-Kathy Griffith
This is AWESOME!!!! I am using this book as my spine for one quarter next year. I am thinking that the kids could maybe choose five chapters to create a scrap book? But is that enough? I really want them to catch the richness of this book.
ResponderEliminarThis is AWESOME!!!! I am using this book as my spine for one quarter next year. I am thinking that the kids could maybe choose five chapters to create a scrap book? But is that enough? I really want them to catch the richness of this book.
ResponderEliminarI am going to use this great idea. Do you have a grading rubric you might be able to share? Also, I see you have a Breakoutedu activity listed on your calendar. Is it possible to see what you used for that? I did a breakout with my students for Felipe Alou, and they loved it! Gracias.
ResponderEliminarThis is an awesome book! Thank you so much for your generous sharing of resources.
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por compartir. Compre las novelas en mayo y tengo que planear una unidad. Sus ideas me ayudaran mucho.
ResponderEliminarIn your outline in your Google Doc you say they have to do 10 chapter pages, but there are more than 10 chapters, did you just have them pick 10 chapters to do?
EliminarI have done this activity for two years in a row and the kids loved it. They have asked me to do a new one this year. Thank you!
ResponderEliminarGreat! I am looking forward to doing this again this semester!