domingo, 22 de octubre de 2023

Bad Bunny, gentrification and clothing as part of identity

Update 11/4/23: I added these questions about the documentary. If they are going to talk about it, they need that INPUT!

I LOVE Bad Bunny (not as much as Dr. Vanessa Díaz, the woman who created this amazing course, but a lot!) and have been a fan since his first album in 2018. But, I haven't used any of his songs because there is always something that makes me say, "Oh, nope, not this one!" If you feel the same way, but really want to teach an upper level class something about Bad Bunny, read on! If not, thanks for checking in :) 

I watched Bad Bunny's documentary "Aquí vive gente"(don't use the music video at the beginning in class) last year when it came out last year and really wanted to use it, but never got anything togetehr. But then, I found Carrie Toth's Gentrificación en Puerto Rico Huellas Freeform Spanish Mini Unit and Sub Plan, which is based on the documentary, so I combined that with some other things (see here) . I am very excited to teach about Bad Bunny and delve into these Essential Questions:

  • ¿Cómo afecta la vivienda la calidad de vida?
  • ¿Cómo puede usar su poder y su influencia una super-estrella para ayudar al mundo? 
  • ¿Cómo se puede equilibrar el crecimiento económico, la vivienda asequible, y la cultura de un lugar que pasa por la gentrificación?
  • ¿Cuáles son los impactos de la gentrificación en Puerto Rico?
  • As part of the unit, I finally found a song that I am going to use: "Yo visto así"! It does have one bad word in it, but I am going to just put #$%^ for that word. While it isn't my favorite (I definitely could not use my favorite in class!), it has an excellent message and I think it will resonate with students. This will be a great jumping off point to talk about clothing and identity. Also, some of the repeated structures are excellent ones to have in my students' brains: Lo que digan, no me importa, yo visto así, no me voy a cambiar.

    What else will they do in the unit?

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