viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

Teaching "quisiera" (and also... representation matters!)

What a sweet video and song... and with a non-hetero crush and a twist at the end!

Thank you @MsAbeja for sharing this video on Twitter.

So much of Actually, almost all popular music and music videos that feature "relationships" (physical and/or emotional) feature male-female hetero relationships.

I mean, think about some of the March Madness brackets out there - ugh, many of the songs objectify women and all (of the ones I have seen) are male-female relationships.

How do our LGBTQ students feel if they are never seeing any representation of themselves? 

So, anyways...  those are some of the reasons that I love this 馃懇‍❤️‍馃懇 ❤️ video.

 "The more I learn about this band the more I love them" !

 I wrote up this little story (and a textivate) to use before I show the video. You can see it below or click here (format looks better here).

Also, if you are looking for another good story/music video/song with some representation, check out Vaina loca here.

**NOTE** The translation of the song needs some work, please feel free to comment! 

7 comentarios:

  1. gracias por compartir!! I've been trying to find some songs with non-hetereosexual relationships, and this is perfect! Just a note- the Google doc link you shared allows people to edit your document. Thought you might want to turn that function off :)

    1. Hello! Thank you for your comment.

      I just checked and the document is shared so people can "comment", not "edit", but thanks for letting me know!

    2. Sometimes, it "looks like" you are editing, but you are really "making suggestions". I just saw that someone made a correction, but it shows up as a "suggestion".

  2. You have done it again! A while ago I listened to this Duolingo podcast about Flor de Toloache and have been toying with how to work it into a unit:
    I'm thinking of combining the podcast with you wonderful work on Quisiera, and if I finish the adaptation of the the Washington Post article about language evolution (todes en vez de todos, etc.) it would dovetail nicely also. You are amazingly generous to share your wonderful work!

    1. Thank you for that link! I will definitely check that out. And I love the idea of combining those three things.

      Please share back whatever you create!

  3. Ooops - don't know why my comment was published as unknown - this is Martha Cox-Stavros, MS Spanish teacher in Rockport, MA, 1985 graduate of Kingswood. Someday I'll get to meet you in person.

    1. Got it Martha! Maybe we will meet at La Maestra Loca's workshop in March in NH. Are you going?
