lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Puerto Rico y el Huracán María

9/30/17 - Click here to see some updates and more resources. 

The devastation in México from the terremoto was awful and it is getting a lot of coverage in the news. In my Spanish 3 class, we talked a lot about that last week (click here to see free resources). If you want to do more with this, check out the always amazing Martina Bex's stuff.

For the first few days of this week, we are going to focus on Puerto Rico, which is getting much less coverage in the news. For Puerto Rico, I don't want my students to just learn about it, I want my students to hopefully feel sympathy for our fellow Americans and then do something about it! So, my plan is this:
  • Today, I am going to talk about what is happening in Puerto Rico. I am going to do this in Spanish, using CI. These are the notes that I am going to use (these notes include lots of links to articles that I have read). I will write lots of things on the board, show some videos, and show some pictures (links at bottom of notes). Students will copy some of the notes. I will probably also do a summary dictation activity as a short assessment.
  • Then, I will end with the question, ¿Qué podemos hacer para ayudar? (Artículo: How to Help Victims of Hurricane María). I hope that they will feel inspired to do something!
  • For the ones that are interested, I am going to have them work on a few things during our TASC block (this is a 45 minute enrichment/extra help/work period that we have every day).
    • Create a bulletin board in our World Language hallway to inform the school about what is happening.
    • This bulletin board will include information in Spanish and pictures that illustrate the information.
    • There will also be a small section of the bulletin board that has the English translation so that students who do not know Spanish can be informed.
    • I will have a collection box in my classroom (and hopefully the other World Language classrooms too). 
    • Some students will investigate the best organization for us to give to.
    • Hopefully, students will think of other ways to raise money to help Puerto Rico.

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